The VMCCWA has a responsibility to both regulate 404 & C4C concessional licences and to maintain its stated aim of preserving motorcycles over 25 years of age.

404 Concessional licence requirements: A motorcycle is eligible for 404 if it is over 25 years old. The machine must be basically unmodified and as manufactured to qualify for 404. Financial membership of the Club is essential to apply for and retain the 404 concession. The VMCCWA works closely with the Department of Transport (DoT) to protect and maintain the privilege of 404 concessions. A 404 concession provides a 100% reduction on both the vehicle license fee and vehicle license duty and also a reduced rate on third party insurance.. The VMCCWA runs approved events nearly every day of the week which allows owners of a 404 concessionally licensed machine to use their machines frequently all year round. The VMCCWA helps members obtain a concessional license by assisting with advice on machine roadworthiness checks, dating of machines, confirmation of originality and the issue of forms required by DoT to license the machine on 404. In addition the VMCCWA can walk members through the process with the help of dedicated volunteers dealing with concessional licenses. The VMCCWA can help members by explaining the process and assisting with compliance issues. The VMCCWA also provides the facility to log your ride if choose to ride your machine other than on a Club approved event, If you prefer to do your own research, you can read more on the 404 process on the DoT website:

C4C Concessional license requirements: C4C is a concession introduced to accommodate modified vehicles. The concession is a bit less generous than 404 and is more limiting. C4C is only for machines older than 1990.and only for fully licensed machines. C4C provides for a 75% reduction on the license fee component and a reduction on motor injury insurance policy. C4C machine use is limited to 60 days Club use on approved events and 30 days personal use on each calendar year All use must be logged prior to the event. The VMCCWA can assist members to access the C4C concession in much the same way as described previously for 404. If you prefer to do your own research you can read more on the C4C process on the DoT website.

The VMCCWA guide to concessional licensing follows: Note, you must be a financial club member to access the services described below:

5.1 Introduction: The club has a responsibility to both regulate 404 & C4C concessional licenses and to maintain its stated aim of preserving motorcycles over 25 years of age.
5.2 404 Concessional license requirements: A motorcycle is eligible for 404 if it is over 25 years old. If the date of manufacture is shown on the machine, it is eligible from that date otherwise machines are deemed to have a birthday on the 31st of December of each year. The machine must be basically unmodified and as manufactured to qualify for 404. Members seeking 404 must make themselves familiar with DoT guidelines. Financial membership of the Club is essential to apply for and retain the 404 concession.
5.2.1 404 & Unlicensed Machines: Unlicensed machines require a vehicle road-worthiness inspection. To transfer a licensed machine to 404 you will also need to fulfil dating and appraisal requirements.
a. Dating: For 404 licensing all machines must be dated by the Club. Dating forms are available on the website. To assist the dating official, you must supply clear photographs of your machine, machine engine number, machine frame number and VIN/compliance plate if affixed and a copy of the machines current Licence and Motor Insurance Policy (Rego paper). Where modifications have been made from original specifications these must be declared. Onus of proof lies with the owner.
b. Appraisal: All machines must be physically sighted to confirm they are eligible for 404. This can be done in person, by the dating officer, a club committee member, the machine examiner or by an appraisal officer. Appraisal officers are listed on the Club website. The club official will conduct a visual inspection of the machine to confirm it conforms to the manufacturer’s specifications. This step is required as the Club has to certify to DoT that the machine is unmodified.
c. Road worthiness Inspection: Your machine must also be inspected for roadworthiness by a DoT authorised machine examiner. (Note: Imported Motorcycles manufactured after 1st July 1975 must be taken to a DOT Authorised inspection centre). Authorised Machine Examiner contact details are on the Club website & the DoT website. The examiner will complete a Certificate of Inspection which will be forwarded to DOT. If approved, DoT will issue a Vehicle Passed MR form.
d. Club Registration: Once you have the MR form or number contact the Club Machine Registrar to obtain a DoT form CMC1 which confirms your club financial membership. The Registrar will issue the form after checking you are a financial member & that the machine has been dated, appraised and has passed a roadworthiness inspection. Only the Club Registrar can sign the CMC1 on your behalf.
e. Licensing: You will also need a DOT E81 form, which is a statutory declaration that states, I………sincerely declare that the vehicle listed above will be used only in connection with club events or for conducting a road test. I undertake to notify the Department of Transport should I cease to be a financial member of the VMCCWA (Inc.). You will need to supply DoT with the form CMC1 and the Vehicle Passed MR form. Proof of ownership will be required. 5.2.2 404 & Licensed Machines: Licensed machines do not require a vehicle road-worthiness inspection. To transfer a licensed machine to 404; however, you will also need to have fulfilled dating and appraisal requirements.
a. Dating: For 404 licensing all machines must be dated by the Club. Dating forms are available on the website. To assist the dating official, you must supply clear photographs of your machine, machine engine number, machine frame number and VIN/compliance plate if affixed. Where modifications have been made from original specifications these must be declared. Onus of proof lies with the owner.
b. Appraisal: All machines must be physically sighted to confirm they are eligible for 404. This can be done in person, by the dating officer, a club committee member or by an appraisal officer. Appraisal officers are listed on the Club website. The club official will conduct a visual inspection of the machine to confirm it conforms to the manufacturer’s specifications. This step is required as the Club has to certify to DoT that the machine is unmodified. 10c. Club Registration: Once you have your machine dated & appraised for 404, contact the Club Machine Registrar to obtain a DoT form CMC1 which confirms your club financial membership. The Registrar will issue the form after checking you are a financial member & that the machine has been dated & appraised. Only the Club Registrar can sign the CMC1 on your behalf.
d. Licensing: For 404 you will also need a DOT E81 form, which is a statutory declaration that states, I………sincerely declare that the vehicle listed above will be used only in connection with club events or for conducting a road test. I undertake to notify the Department of Transport should I cease to be a financial member of the VMCCWA (Inc.). You will need to supply DoT with the form CMC1 and current license papers. Proof of ownership will be required.
5.3 C4C concessional licence requirements: This concession is only available for licensed machines over 30 years old. It is suitable for modified machines. To transfer a licensed machine to C4C you will also need to fulfil dating requirements. Members seeking C4C must make themselves familiar with DoT guidelines which can be found on the Club website.
a. Dating: For C4C licensing all machines must be dated by the Club. Dating forms are available on the website. To assist the dating official, you must supply clear photographs of your machine, machine engine number, machine frame number and VIN/compliance plate if affixed. Copies of driver’s license & licence papers must also be provided. Where modifications have been made from original specifications these must be declared. The Club reserves the right not to register a machine which in the opinion of the dating officer & Management Committee does not accord with the ethos of the VMCCWA which is to preserve historic machines and is not in accord with the “spirit of the times.”
b. C4C Club Registration: Once you have your machine dated, contact the Club Machine Registrar to obtain a C4C DoT form E116 which confirms your club financial membership. The Registrar will issue the form after checking you are a financial member & that the machine has been dated. Only the Club Registrar can sign the form E116 on your behalf.
c. C4C Licensing: You will need to supply DoT with the form E116 and current license papers. Proof of ownership will be required. You will need to maintain a logbook of machine use on the form which can be downloaded from the Club website. This logbook must be carried at all times when riding and made available for audit or inspection.
5.4 Concessional Status: You have 28 days to concessionally license the machine once you receive a form CMC1 for 404 (or a Form E116 for C4C) from the Club Registrar. Once licensed you must advise the Club registrar of the machine’s license plate number or change of status. Once licensed it is also a DoT requirement that you display, adjacent to the number plate, an additional plate/sticker signifying the motorcycle’s concessional status. The Club Registrar can supply the sticker.
5.5 Change in machine status: When a club registered concessionally licensed machine is transferred, sold or goes unlicensed the machine registrar must be advised asap. Concessional licences are not transferable. A member selling a bike to another club member should advise the registrar of the sale details. Additionally, a member purchasing a concessional licenced machine from a club member should approach the Registrar to get the club paperwork prior to seeking the DoT transfer of the bike into their name.
If you transfer a concessionally licensed machine, registered with another Club, to VMCCWA, to maintain the concessional status you will need to have the machine dated by completing a dating form and showing proof of purchase so that the machine can go on the Club register. then approach the Club Registrar for a form CMC1 for 404 (or Form E116 for C4C). Then at the time of Transferring the bike into your name at DOT you will need to advise DoT that the machine’s club registration has also changed.
5.6 Financial Membership: To retain a 404 concessional license you must be a financial member of the Club. If you are unfinancial your machine is considered by DoT to be unlicensed and uninsured. If you belong to another authorised historic club, you must advise DoT immediately of the transfer to protect your concessional license (as per your declaration on the E81 for 404 (or E116 form for C4C). Each calendar year a report of unfinancial members with concessionally licensed machines is sent to DoT for action. It is your responsibility to remain a financial member, the Club does not issue individual reminders.